INVENTVM S.r.l., based in Viale Brambilla 60, Pavia, Fiscal Code, VAT Number and registration number in the Business Register of Milan n° 09899780960 (hereinafter also referred to as “INVENTVM” or “Controller”), as data controller of your personal data, here below illustrates the privacy policy for natural persons protection, in compliance with articles 13 et seq. of the General Data Protection Regulation EU 2016/679 (hereinafter also referred to as “GDPR” or “Regulation”), to explain how we process your personal data you provided by sending your CV to the email address shown on this website, in order for you to participate in the selection process for a working collaboration, so that you can willingly and freely give your consent to the processing, as requested below.
This privacy Policy focuses in particular on personal data which you can decide to provide in order to participate to the personnel selection process carried out by INVENTVM.:
These data shall be treated as it follows:
Personal data processed by the Controller can include:
1) common data, such as personal information (e.g. name, surname, date of birth, address, photo, gender, marital status, fiscal code etc.), contact information (e.g. telephone and/or cellphone number, e-mail address etc.), work and professional data;
2) special categories of data extracted from your CV, which can reveal your racial or ethnic origin, your religious beliefs, political opinions, political parties, trade unions, religious or philosophical organisations membership and your state of health (for example if you belong to protected categories). In this case, we inform you that INVENTVM is committed to protect the confidentiality and safety of this type of information, collected during the fulfillment of the activities. Access to this information is limited and INVENTVM is provided with rules and procedures to safeguard this information from loss, abusive use, disclosure or communication to third parties.
Legal Basis and purposes of processing data. Consequences of the lack of consent.
Your personal data shall be processed in order to guarantee you to participate to the personnel research and selection carried out by INVENTVM and to verify if the candidate is eligible for that particular open position.
The Controller shall process your data with your explicit consent, both for special categories of data (art. 9, par. 2, lett. a) of GDPR), (art. 6, par. 1, lett. f) of GDPR) and for common data, except for cases in which data are processed by the controller to execute precontractual measures (art. 6, par. 1, let. b) of GDPR) or when there’s a legitimate interest pursued by the Controller
Consent is free and optional, thus, if you ‘re not willing to give it, you cannot participate to the personnel research and selection. process
Entities to which your personal data may be disclosed.
Personal data provided by you are processed by the Controller, in the scope of the organization, by personnel authorized to the processing of personal data, and can be communicated to external companies, based in Italy, in charge of helping INVENTVM in the research and selection of the personnel process.
Your personal data shall not be disclosed.
Processing modalities
The processing of your personal data is carried out with IT or telematic tools and, sometimes, on paper in compliance with principles of correctness, lawfulness, transparency, pertinency and minimization, with logics driven to the aforementioned purposes and to safeguard the confidentiality of data protected and the rights of the data subject, in compliance with current law. In order to protect data from destruction or, also accidental, loss and from unauthorized access or disclosure, technical and organizational measures have been applied.
Data retention period
INVENTVM applies internal procedures in order to avoid the use or retention of your personal data for an unlimited period of time. Usually, the retention period of data resulting from provided applications is 24 months, with the exception of specific laws which provide different retention periods. In any case, the Controller is committed to use the data for the purposes indicated in this policy, for an adequate period of time.
Data Subject Rights
INVENTVM informs you that, as the data subject, you can exercise the following rights:
- The right to ask to INVENTVM, as Data Controller, to verify, correct or delete filed personal data, or ask the Controller to limit the use of collected personal data only to those that are necessary to be used.
- The right to submit claims to the Data Protection Supervisor following the instruction provided in the complete policy, attached to the general conditions of the contract.
- The right to withdraw in any moment your consent, when it was given to INVENTVM for the processing of your personal data
The aforementioned rights can be exercised through written request sent to the address of the registered office, provided before, or to the e-mail address:
The Controller